
Back to the DAM Old Days

Image Management – are we back to the old days In the early noughties post-production for digital photography would require three distinct pieces of software: 1. Image browser 2. Raw converter 3. Image cataloguer Each application had it’s purpose. 1. Image Browser Downloading and creating a back up of images from the camera memory card … Read more

Paid NOT To Photograph!

Like any profession photography has many aspects besides the actual service itself. Areas that don’t involve making photos and things the client doesn’t (need to) care about. It’s those essential areas that make it a profession and require far more time than the craft of photography. These can include: Client Relationship Management Strategic Planning Marketing … Read more

Why Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Rules

Lightroom is undoubtedly the world’s leading raw photography workflow application. But why does it dominate the market when competing products can produce better results? It’s Adobe Firstly it’s made by Adobe who have led the graphics software market for over 25 years. Adobe’s software has been entrenched in the majority of creatives workflows, formal education, … Read more

Photography Workflow 2015

For the first 10 years of digital capture photographers were obsessed with workflow. There were hundreds of books, workshops, seminars, and forums dedicated to it. Over time a workflow standard was achieved. So has anything changed? Not really it’s basically the same as it was in 1998! Only now the file sizes and storage capacity are … Read more

Free your SSD from the Cloud in 4 steps

Upgrading a hard drive to a Solid State Drive comes at a cost, not just in dollars but also in storage space. If you  use Dropbox (or similar cloud sharing service) like I do to deliver jobs, it eats up a lot of storage space. Once the job is on Dropbox I don’t want it … Read more

5 things GTD & DAM have in common

GTD (Getting Things Done) and DAM (Digital Asset Management) have a lot in common. GTD is a productivity methodology by created by David Allen. It has many layers and almost a religion to some. For professional photographers Allen’s Getting Things Done is  one of those must read business books. DAM is how we safely manage … Read more

Adobe announces Lightroom Mobile

After the the previous demo and leak we knew Adobe were working on a tablet version of Lightroom that would sync to your desktop catalog. Today Adobe officially announced the availability of Lightroom 5.4 and Lightroom mobile (Lr Mobile) for iPad. Lr Mobile is available as a free add-on for all Creative Cloud subscribers including the … Read more