
Is There Any Value In Formal Photography Education?

The traditional path to professional photography started with a formal education at a brick and mortar college. Students could assist photographers during or after graduation for hands on practical experience before establishing their own businesses. Now, just as with photography itself, education has been disrupted by technology. Potential pro photographers can learn online through random … Read more

Five Basic Photoshop Mistakes

As a visual communicator I’m hypersensitive to images that have been badly Photoshopped. Here are some common mistakes in no particular order and how to avoid them. 1. Distorting An Image When Transforming It. A photo has a set aspect ratio and when rescaling it using a tool like Transform it’s easy to accidentally make … Read more

New Year’s Resolution

“I need a high res file” High and low resolution are terms oft used to describe what you need from an image. But what does does “high res” actually mean, and how is it measured? Resolution is best specified in pixel dimensions. An example of a high resolution file would be 3200 x 5000 pixels … Read more

Why you need a professional photographer

Marissa Mayer the CEO at Yahoo has since backtracked on her comment that “…there is no such thing really as professional photographers” but it has already started an avalanche of criticism. Photoshelter CEO Andrew Fingerman points out twelve traits that make a photographer professional. They’ve also added Pricing Your Work: Corporate & Industrial Photography to their … Read more