
DAM Workflow Newsletter 9

New Toys This issue looks at lots new toys for geeks and creatives alike. Snow Leopard – Mac OS X Update As you will already know Apple released their latest operating system. While there is some refinement to the user interface most of the good stuff is under the hood. By relinquishing support for PPC computers (those without … Read more

Apple OS X Snow Leopard released

Apple are set to release their next OS X update Snow Leopard on 28 August 2009. There are many refinements including native Gamma 2.2 like Windows, soft proofing in Preview, faster back up to Time Machine, and full 64 bit support. Be sure to check your apps support OS X 10.6 before unleashing Snow Leopard! Microsoft … Read more

Expression Media videos

Shayne Bowman has made some excellent vodcasts on using Microsoft Expression Media and basic DAM. You will need to install Microsoft Silverlight to view them. Alongside Shayne’s vodcasts Fashion photographer Neil Latham has posted some on integrating Phase One Capture One 4 with Expression Media.

Adobe Camera Raw 5.4 update

Adobe have a release candidate for Camera Raw 5.4 at Adobe Labs with Lightroom 2.4 to follow. More cameras and digital backs are supported but more interesting is the new DNG 1.3 specifications (not yet published). Since my colleague Peter Krogh has let the cat out of the bag I can reveal the new specs … Read more

Cumulus 8 released

Canto released Cumulus 8, a DAM application for enterprise and workgroups (licenses start at US$5 000). New features include improved interface, more reporting such as asset usage, and built-in image editor.

Lightroom plug-ins by Beardsworth

Friend and colleague John Beardsworth has released Adobe Lightroom plugins that help make it more robust for DAM. These essential features are built into Microsoft Expression Media but not in Lightroom yet. If you like them please thank John via his Amazon wishlist.

Expression Media 2 Service Pack 2 updated

Expression Media 2 Service Pack 2 is out, again. I’m glad to report the annoying “Asynchronous previews” has gone and viewing offline images in Media view is back. Download Mac version here and Windows version here.

Expression Media 2 SP2 hotfix

Microsoft have a hotfix for Expression Media 2 SP2 nearly ready for release. So far this looks to be the best, most stable build yet for iView/Expression Media.