
Cluttered Chaos

Thriving in chaos

As a professional photographer, I’ve come to realise there are two distinct types of photographers. One starts with a blank canvas, carefully crafting an image from the ground up in a controlled studio setting. The other type, which includes myself, is thrown into dynamic, cluttered environments, thriving by transforming chaos into compelling visuals. I don’t … Read more

Mamiya Professional Camera

My Nikon made me Millions

In the early 1990s, I came across a photography book titled, ‘My Mamiya made me a Million’ by Keith Cogman. It offered a unique perspective on running a successful photography business. Cogman attributed a million UK Pounds in sales to his Mamiya, a renowned brand in the medium format cameras. As the Mamiya RZ67 was … Read more

corporate group photo

You must have a good camera

Often said in jest, I sometimes hear the phrase, “You must have a good camera!” when someone views the image on the back of my camera. It implies that the quality of the images is solely due to the camera itself, without taking the photographer’s skill into account. It reminds me of the story about … Read more

Kodak Instamatic 126 film camera

Film nostalgia

People remember film with romanticism. I understand that. The photo below is of my grandparents. I never met my grandfather, whom I’m named after. When I view the original slide I know the light that reflected off my grandfather, through the camera lens, touched the film I now hold in my hand. I went onto … Read more

Celebrating 20 years

Photographic Guidelines 20th Anniversary

Digital photography was a revolution at the turn of the century. To help professional photographers, and their clients, in the transition from film, several Australian photographers banded together to create a set of digital photography guidelines. Working independently, and members of the Society of Australian Commercial & Media Photographers (ACMP), William Long, Robert Edwards, Murray … Read more

Elliott Erwitt's Camera

Remembering Elliott Erwitt

Elliott Erwitt has been my favourite photographer for as long as I can remember. This is not a bio on Erwitt, for that visit Rather it’s simply how an artist has influenced me, and my photography career. Art In Erwitt’s personal work, I love his wit, use of juxtaposition, irony and sense of humour. … Read more

Dsc 2934

3rd party devs unleash the potential of software

In the world of software development, the success of many well known companies can be attributed to the contributions of their developer community. These devs play a pivotal role in expanding and enhancing the capabilities of software programs, taking them beyond their out-of-the-box functionalities. Two examples of this are Adobe Photoshop and the Apple ecosystem, … Read more

Digital photography

Digital photography workflow, again

Almost twenty years later, I’m again being asked to help with how to set up a professional photography workflow. Some context In the early noughties the move from film (I dislike the word analog) to digital photography introduced many challenges. Especially for professional photographers earning their living with the new medium. How we captured images, … Read more

Sydney aerial photographer

Fake it till you make it

Navigating the Learning Curve in Photography In the dynamic world of photography, the adage “fake it till you make it” takes on a unique significance. Many photographers have found themselves in situations where they accepted jobs that stretched their expertise to its limits, all in the pursuit of growth and new experiences. This approach, while … Read more


The art of storytelling

In a world inundated with information, capturing attention has become an art form of its own. Storytelling, once confined to ancient cave paintings and fireside tales has evolved into an integral aspect of modern marketing and communication. While the mediums have changed the essence remains the same – a powerful tool to connect, engage, and … Read more