
Dsc 2934

3rd party devs unleash the potential of software

In the world of software development, the success of many well known companies can be attributed to the contributions of their developer community. These devs play a pivotal role in expanding and enhancing the capabilities of software programs, taking them beyond their out-of-the-box functionalities. Two examples of this are Adobe Photoshop and the Apple ecosystem, … Read more


Why I quit Facebook and Twitter

The photo above is the first and only one I posted on Facebook. After 14+ years on the two major social media platforms last year I closed my accounts. I only ever used them for business so what follows may not apply for personal use. I did however decide to keep LinkedIn. What As a … Read more

Back Up – It’s That Time Of The Year!

Around year end is a good time to review your back up. Specifically, how your personal images are stored. Here are five things to consider. 1. Do You Even Have A Back Up? You should at least have an extra copy of everything. On another hard drive or in the cloud. Ideally have three copies … Read more

Bibble acquired by Corel

Bibble Labs who make the multi-platform raw conversion software Bibble were recently purchased by Corel. A post in the Bibble forums informs users an official announcement will be made at CES next week. Bibble was the first alternative photographers had to the expensive and/or limited raw conversion software available from camera manufacturers. I began using Bibble in … Read more

Phase One acquires Expression Media

Phase One acquires Expression Media (iView) from Microsoft. Until 30 June 2010 Phase One are offering Expression Media free to Capture One owners, and Capture One 5 free to Expression Media owners.

Expression Media 2 – not dead yet!

With a nod to Monty Python, no, Expression Media/iView is not dead yet! Microsoft moved it from the Expression Suite to the Pro Photography section.

Expression Media videos

Shayne Bowman has made some excellent vodcasts on using Microsoft Expression Media and basic DAM. You will need to install Microsoft Silverlight to view them. Alongside Shayne’s vodcasts Fashion photographer Neil Latham has posted some on integrating Phase One Capture One 4 with Expression Media.

Lightroom plug-ins by Beardsworth

Friend and colleague John Beardsworth has released Adobe Lightroom plugins that help make it more robust for DAM. These essential features are built into Microsoft Expression Media but not in Lightroom yet. If you like them please thank John via his Amazon wishlist.