
Photography Workflow 2015

For the first 10 years of digital capture photographers were obsessed with workflow. There were hundreds of books, workshops, seminars, and forums dedicated to it. Over time a workflow standard was achieved. So has anything changed? Not really it’s basically the same as it was in 1998! Only now the file sizes and storage capacity are … Read more

Battle for the Cloud

Apple and Adobe make great products. But they have very different approaches to making their applications work in the cloud. Apple will abandon all to make a new and better product. Adobe will forego features to ensure legacy products are supported. Apple Photos With the latest iOS/Mac OSX update Apple have updated/released their new Photos … Read more

5 things GTD & DAM have in common

GTD (Getting Things Done) and DAM (Digital Asset Management) have a lot in common. GTD is a productivity methodology by created by David Allen. It has many layers and almost a religion to some. For professional photographers Allen’s Getting Things Done is one of those must read business books. DAM is how we safely manage our … Read more

Adobe announces Lightroom Mobile

After the the previous demo and leak we knew Adobe were working on a tablet version of Lightroom that would sync to your desktop catalog. Today Adobe officially announced the availability of Lightroom 5.4 and Lightroom mobile (Lr Mobile) for iPad. Lr Mobile is available as a free add-on for all Creative Cloud subscribers including the … Read more

Lightroom Loves SSD

Apart from upgrading your computer RAM, adding a SSD drive will improve your Adobe Photoshop Lightroom experience tenfold. If you find Lightroom sluggish invest in a SSD. With 120GB prices under $75 costs have dropped to almost a third of what they were a few years ago. SSD (Solid State Drives) work much like a … Read more

Photoshop Photography Program

Adobe have a special price of $9.99/month on Creative Cloud for photographers who want Lightroom and Photoshop. Click here for the details that include: Photoshop CC Lightroom 5 20GB of online storage Behance ProSite Access to training resources on Creative Cloud Learn Ongoing updates and upgrades This limited time offer is available for anyone until … Read more

Radio 88.7FM Interview follow up

A follow up radio interview from last weeks episode where I was invited by David Peach to discuss photography and digital asset management along with fellow photographer Eden Connell. Below is the recording from the second episode. Episode Two [44:28]: This week we discuss specific programs including Phase One Media Pro, Adobe Lightroom and Extensis … Read more