
Sensorklear Loupe

Spring Cleaning

Spring is almost here, at least for those of us in the southern hemisphere. It can be a good reminder for those in photography to do some regular cleaning.   Sensor Cameras with interchangeable lenses are prone to getting dust of the sensor. The more that you change lenses increases the chance of dust. You … Read more

Media Pro, DEVONthink and Databases

I’m a long time user of Media Pro, a visual cataloguing application by Phase One. Starting as iView over 23 years ago it’s one of the longest running DAM apps of its type. It’s also one of the last standalone, single user digital asset management programs. Designed for creatives it’s used mostly by photographers. Like … Read more

Back to the DAM Old Days

Image Management – are we back to the old days? In the early noughties post-production for digital photography would require three distinct pieces of software: 1. Image browser 2. Raw converter 3. Image cataloguer Each application had it’s purpose. 1. Image Browser Downloading and creating a back up of images from the camera memory card is … Read more

Why Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Rules

Lightroom is undoubtedly the world’s leading raw photography workflow application. But why does it dominate the market when competing products can produce better results? It’s Adobe Firstly it’s made by Adobe who have led the graphics software market for over 25 years. Adobe’s software has been entrenched in the majority of creatives workflows, formal education, … Read more

Adobe Lightroom problem

Adobe had a bad run recently. Lightroom, their flagship photography software, was updated and immediately crashed on opening for many users – including me. Those who could actually open the new version became vocal about Adobe dumbing down the photo import feature. So if you were Adobe how would you respond to this? “Well it works for … Read more