Expression Media

Capture One Expression Media videos

Peter Krogh has created a series of DAM Workflow videos demonstrating Phase One Capture One 5.1 and Expression Media 2. Peter’s emphasis as always is maintaining the integrity of the images and metadata. View the free videos at Phase One.

Phase One Expression Media offer ending

The Phase One offer for owners of Expression Media to get a free licence for Capture One 5 (and vice versa) ends 30 June. Act now!

Phase One acquires Expression Media

Phase One acquires Expression Media (iView) from Microsoft. Until 30 June 2010 Phase One are offering Expression Media free to Capture One owners, and Capture One 5 free to Expression Media owners.

Expression Media 2 – not dead yet!

With a nod to Monty Python, no, Expression Media/iView is not dead yet! Microsoft moved it from the Expression Suite to the Pro Photography section.

Apple OS X Snow Leopard released

Apple are set to release their next OS X update Snow Leopard on 28 August 2009. There are many refinements including native Gamma 2.2 like Windows, soft proofing in Preview, faster back up to Time Machine, and full 64 bit support. Be sure to check your apps support OS X 10.6 before unleashing Snow Leopard! Microsoft … Read more

Expression Media videos

Shayne Bowman has made some excellent vodcasts on using Microsoft Expression Media and basic DAM. You will need to install Microsoft Silverlight to view them. Alongside Shayne’s vodcasts Fashion photographer Neil Latham has posted some on integrating Phase One Capture One 4 with Expression Media.

Lightroom plug-ins by Beardsworth

Friend and colleague John Beardsworth has released Adobe Lightroom plugins that help make it more robust for DAM. These essential features are built into Microsoft Expression Media but not in Lightroom yet. If you like them please thank John via his Amazon wishlist.

Expression Media 2 Service Pack 2 updated

Expression Media 2 Service Pack 2 is out, again. I’m glad to report the annoying “Asynchronous previews” has gone and viewing offline images in Media view is back. Download Mac version here and Windows version here.