hard drive failure

Back up as you photograph

End of the year is a good time to back up your images. Of course you should regularly back up, and not just once a year! Did you know most pros back up as they photograph? Cameras offer two card slots, and be set up to copy images to each card simultaneously. This offers redundancy … Read more

Digital photography

Digital photography workflow, again

Almost twenty years later, I’m again being asked to help with how to set up a professional photography workflow. Some context In the early noughties the move from film (I dislike the word analog) to digital photography introduced many challenges. Especially for professional photographers earning their living with the new medium. How we captured images, … Read more

Photo image degradation

Photographers Need Validation

Austin Kleon wrote, “…validation is for parking, not for artists.” However I’m not referring to validation as a creative. Photographers need to regularly validate their image archive to ensure it hasn’t deteriorated. A lot of things can go wrong: file corruption, bit rot, missing images and more. In ye olde days of film we could … Read more

Adobe Bridge Digital Asset Management

Managing Digital Assets with Adobe Bridge

Adobe Bridge is often overlooked as a professional multimedia browser. It works like Mac Finder and Windows File Explorer. You can view items on your computer, connected hard drives or network drives and navigate through your folder structure. However Bridge supports hundreds more file types including images, audio, PDFs, movies and more. It’s a bridge … Read more

Sensorklear loupe

Spring Cleaning

Spring is almost here, at least for those of us in the southern hemisphere. It can be a good reminder for those in photography to do some regular cleaning. Sensor Cameras with interchangeable lenses are prone to getting dust of the sensor. The more that you change lenses increases the chance of dust. You don’t … Read more