Sydney aerial photographer

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property covers many areas. Here I want to look specifically at copyright and moral rights. How it affects content creators and those who use their content. Some of the what, why and how. Disclaimer! I am not a lawyer and anything you read here should be clarified with qualified legal advice for your own … Read more


Why I quit Facebook and Twitter

The photo above is the first and only one I posted on Facebook. After 14+ years on the two major social media platforms last year I closed my accounts. I only ever used them for business so what follows may not apply for personal use. I did however decide to keep LinkedIn. What As a … Read more

industrial photographer

How Much Does Corporate Photography Cost?

Ask three corporate photographers to quote on the same job and you could receive three different prices. Why is that? Corporate Photography typically isn’t a la carte where you pick a package. Instead services are custom priced for your individual and unique requirements. This can be frustrating for clients looking to commission photography for their … Read more

Photography Workflow 2015

For the first 10 years of digital capture photographers were obsessed with workflow. There were hundreds of books, workshops, seminars, and forums dedicated to it. Over time a workflow standard was achieved. So has anything changed? Not really it’s basically the same as it was in 1998! Only now the file sizes and storage capacity are … Read more

Radio 88.7FM Interview follow up

A follow up radio interview from last weeks episode where I was invited by David Peach to discuss photography and digital asset management along with fellow photographer Eden Connell. Below is the recording from the second episode. Episode Two [44:28]: This week we discuss specific programs including Phase One Media Pro, Adobe Lightroom and Extensis … Read more

Radio 88.7FM interview

A few weeks ago I was invited by David Peach onto a local radio show to discuss photography and digital asset management along with fellow professional photographer Eden Connell. We discussed many topics including DAM best practise and protecting photographers rights. Here’s a recording from the show. Episode One [51:04]: A basic overview of Digital … Read more

Copyright versus Freedom of the Press

Fiona Phillips has written a great piece for The Larrikin Post covering another view on the media reform debate in Australia. Offering some balance to recent hysteria about copyright she puts it in perspective.  Fiona is well versed to write on the topic as Executive Director of the Australian Copyright Council.