Free Adobe Lightroom Workflow course
Peter Krogh posted a link to his excellent Adobe Lightroom course available free online (thanks to World Press Photo funding):
Peter Krogh posted a link to his excellent Adobe Lightroom course available free online (thanks to World Press Photo funding):
Season’s Greetings! Peter Krogh posted a couple fun and poignant video links on his DAM Book blog. The Backing up song is really catchy. So should be the practise of backing up! Looking for a new year’s resolution for 2011? How about establishing a back up system for your photos, videos, documents and all that … Read more
Adobe commissioned Robert Edwards to write a whitepaper on Digital Photography Workflow using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. If you’re serious about photography, you own Adobe Photoshop Creative Suite. It can do amazing things with images even if most of us only scratch the surface of its capabilities. Combine Adobe Photoshop with the visual Adobe Bridge media … Read more
John Beardsworth has a great blog post on the the dangers of social media for photographers (link to archived version). It’s a timely reminder for those posting images on photo sharing sites. And a wake up call if you’re unaware of the pitfalls, especially those who use photo sharing websites for image storage!
DigitalPro is a DAM workflow tool for Windows. One of the highlights in v6 is a checksum validation tool built into the DAM cataloguing application. Wildlife photographer B. Moose Peterson goes over the highlights here.
AntZero have released the server version of their media cataloguing app AtomicView as well as a new catalog reader. Available for Mac and Windows.
Metadata is information that is stored inside your digital images on top of the data that makes up the photo. For example EXIF metadata records the shutter speed and aperture you used when you created the image. Once the images are on your computer you can save more information into the photo as IPTC metadata … Read more
Robert Edwards will be presenting a Photo Imaging Masterclass for AIPP Queensland on 20 August 2009. Click here for more information and to book.
Mistake #1. Not using DAM Some people are put off DAM because it sounds boring or worse seems irrelevant to their photography. News Flash: DAM applies to everybody; pro photographer, designer, amateur, family snapper, videographer… If you create any digital content, be it pictures, Word documents, or invoices you need some sort of DAM. DAM … Read more
Back up – Software Back ups are essential. Professionals need to ensure their digital assets are protected. Everyone wants to know their personal images, videos and documents are safe. Backing up involves a set of protocols; the what, when, where, how (the who and why are obvious), the media, hardware, and software. Today I want … Read more