
Prints Will Last Longer Than JPEG

Chances are images that you make today won’t last as long as those made by your parents. That’s because our parents used technology that hadn’t changed much in 150 years. As recently as 15 years ago taking photos typically resulted in a handful of 4×6 inch “postcard” prints. They were put in a photo album … Read more

Back to the DAM Old Days

Image Management – are we back to the old days? In the early noughties post-production for digital photography would require three distinct pieces of software: 1. Image browser 2. Raw converter 3. Image cataloguer Each application had it’s purpose. 1. Image Browser Downloading and creating a back up of images from the camera memory card is … Read more

Why Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Rules

Lightroom is undoubtedly the world’s leading raw photography workflow application. But why does it dominate the market when competing products can produce better results? It’s Adobe Firstly it’s made by Adobe who have led the graphics software market for over 25 years. Adobe’s software has been entrenched in the majority of creatives workflows, formal education, … Read more

Help My Photos Are Lost !

TL;DR: As soon as you know images are missing stop using the memory card and only let a data recovery expert touch it. *What do you do when you discover your photos have suddenly disappeared? Don’t Panic! First thing is to STOP USING THE DEVICE from where the photos have been lost. If it’s your camera – … Read more

World Backup Day

March 31st is World Backup Day, an “independent initiative to raise awareness about backups“. Highlighting the need for backing up your data the World Backup Day site provides some scary stats like “30% of people have never backed up“. Images, video, documents and business information can have enormous dollar value. Personal images are priceless and no amount … Read more

Photography Workflow 2015

For the first 10 years of digital capture photographers were obsessed with workflow. There were hundreds of books, workshops, seminars, and forums dedicated to it. Over time a workflow standard was achieved. So has anything changed? Not really it’s basically the same as it was in 1998! Only now the file sizes and storage capacity are … Read more

Why Save Every Photo?

Photographers are a funny bunch and probably make good pets. We have some interesting traits that may include being control freaks, independent, resourceful, creative, passionate, obsessive, loyal, vulnerable and hoarders. Photographers love collecting and hoarding camera bags, lenses, and photos. The advent of digital brought the ability to keep every image we create. You can … Read more

Battle for the Cloud

Apple and Adobe make great products. But they have very different approaches to making their applications work in the cloud. Apple will abandon all to make a new and better product. Adobe will forego features to ensure legacy products are supported. Apple Photos With the latest iOS/Mac OSX update Apple have updated/released their new Photos … Read more

OpenRAW 10 Years

Imagine if you were no longer able to look at your family albums. Or some of Ansel Adams images began to disappear. And the news photos that recorded the history of humanity were lost. D1scussion was a mailing list by Juergen Specht for professional Nikon users. In early 2005 the list saw a growing concern … Read more