
hard drive failure

Back up as you photograph

End of the year is a good time to back up your images. Of course you should regularly back up, and not just once a year! Did you know most pros back up as they photograph? Cameras offer two card slots, and be set up to copy images to each card simultaneously. This offers redundancy … Read more

camera raw

Creatives and Big Tech

Digital imaging has revolutionised photography, making it more accessible and user-friendly. Collaboration between creatives and Big Tech companies has fostered innovation, but the relationship is weakening due to a shift in focus towards influencers and a lack of respect for creatives and copyright principles. Despite this, AI has the potential to enhance creativity and productivity, … Read more

Ben Franklin

Photography day rate

A common question for professional photographers is, “What is your day rate?” Although photographers are often reluctant to discuss day rates, the reality is that clients pay for their time. Day rates originated in editorial photography, particularly for magazines and newspapers. These rates were established by the media companies or their unions, covering a day’s … Read more

Kodak Instamatic 126 film camera

Film nostalgia

People remember film with romanticism. I understand that. The photo below is of my grandparents. I never met my grandfather, whom I’m named after. When I view the original slide I know the light that reflected off my grandfather, through the camera lens, touched the film I now hold in my hand. I went onto … Read more

Celebrating 20 years

Photographic Guidelines 20th Anniversary

Digital photography was a revolution at the turn of the century. To help professional photographers, and their clients, in the transition from film, several Australian photographers banded together to create a set of digital photography guidelines. Working independently, and members of the Society of Australian Commercial & Media Photographers (ACMP), William Long, Robert Edwards, Murray … Read more

Digital photography

Digital photography workflow, again

Almost twenty years later, I’m again being asked to help with how to set up a professional photography workflow. Some context In the early noughties the move from film (I dislike the word analog) to digital photography introduced many challenges. Especially for professional photographers earning their living with the new medium. How we captured images, … Read more

standards australia 100 years

Standards Australia 100 Years

In two weeks on 12 October, Standards Australia will celebrate its centenary. For 100 years committees of industry professionals and Standards Australia staff have worked together to create standards that Australians benefit from every day. Standards Australia liaise closely with equivalent associations across the world within ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. Australian experts have … Read more

Photo image degradation

Photographers Need Validation

Austin Kleon wrote, “…validation is for parking, not for artists.” However I’m not referring to validation as a creative. Photographers need to regularly validate their image archive to ensure it hasn’t deteriorated. A lot of things can go wrong: file corruption, bit rot, missing images and more. In ye olde days of film we could … Read more