
camera raw

Creatives and Big Tech

Digital imaging has revolutionised photography, making it more accessible and user-friendly. Collaboration between creatives and Big Tech companies has fostered innovation, but the relationship is weakening due to a shift in focus towards influencers and a lack of respect for creatives and copyright principles. Despite this, AI has the potential to enhance creativity and productivity, … Read more

custom image library

Professional photography & UX

As visual medium, photography relies heavily on the user experience. As a business, photography relies a lot on your client’s user experience. In both cases the outcome is the same, it’s all about the human experience. You can’t get away from it, photographers are visual people. It’s how we communicate and interact with the world. … Read more

Dsc 2934

3rd party devs unleash the potential of software

In the world of software development, the success of many well known companies can be attributed to the contributions of their developer community. These devs play a pivotal role in expanding and enhancing the capabilities of software programs, taking them beyond their out-of-the-box functionalities. Two examples of this are Adobe Photoshop and the Apple ecosystem, … Read more

Digital photography

Digital photography workflow, again

Almost twenty years later, I’m again being asked to help with how to set up a professional photography workflow. Some context In the early noughties the move from film (I dislike the word analog) to digital photography introduced many challenges. Especially for professional photographers earning their living with the new medium. How we captured images, … Read more

Sydney aerial photographer

Fake it till you make it

Navigating the Learning Curve in Photography In the dynamic world of photography, the adage “fake it till you make it” takes on a unique significance. Many photographers have found themselves in situations where they accepted jobs that stretched their expertise to its limits, all in the pursuit of growth and new experiences. This approach, while … Read more

digital photography catalog

AI photography professional

With the increasing buzz around AI, many creatives have expressed concerns about its potential impact on their professions. As a commercial photographer, I have been using AI in various capacities for years, and now the spotlight is on Generative AI like ChatGPT and DALL-E from OpenAI. These tools claim to enable anyone to become proficient … Read more

Photo image degradation

Photographers Need Validation

Austin Kleon wrote, “…validation is for parking, not for artists.” However I’m not referring to validation as a creative. Photographers need to regularly validate their image archive to ensure it hasn’t deteriorated. A lot of things can go wrong: file corruption, bit rot, missing images and more. In ye olde days of film we could … Read more

colour photography

Colour Photography – created by God and Man

I love black and white photography. Some of my favourite photographers, like Elliot Erwitt, are best known for their B&W images. In photography’s early years B&W was the only option. If you wanted colour it had to be hand painted onto the print. However colour photography has always driven the market for professionals and consumers. … Read more

Adobe Bridge Digital Asset Management

Managing Digital Assets with Adobe Bridge

Adobe Bridge is often overlooked as a professional multimedia browser. It works like Mac Finder and Windows File Explorer. You can view items on your computer, connected hard drives or network drives and navigate through your folder structure. However Bridge supports hundreds more file types including images, audio, PDFs, movies and more. It’s a bridge … Read more