Commercial Control
The Australian Institute of Professional Photography (New South Wales division) is presenting an evening for AIPP and ACMP members as well as all other professional photographers discussing how commercial photographers can manage their images.
Tim Moore is Chairman of Photolibrary, a multi-million dollar, Australian based stock photolibrary, one of the top 5 worldwide big players in the stock photo industry. Tim will speak about the current issues in the library market.
Robert Edwards, photographer, will speak about DAM (digital asset management) and some of the ways that individual photographers can address this very important aspect of our day to day workflow. Robert is an experienced photographer and is one of the team that developed the APDIG (Australian Photographic Digital Imaging Guidelines). Robert has a good understanding of several of the programs that are on the market specifically designed for DAM. Attendees qualify for a discount on iView MediaPro 3.
Chris Shain, photographer will chair the session, and will also give a brief update on some current copyright and licensing issues facing photographers. Chris is currently a director of the Australian Copyright Council (
There will be plenty of time for Q&A from all speakers along with time for some social chat with your fellow professionals.
There will be a small cover charge of $10 for light refreshments. RSVP to Diana either by email at