Image Makers Association Australia – Code of Conduct

Member Responsibilities, Professional Behaviour & Ethical Conduct

Image Makers Association Members are required to:

  • Accept the IMA Code of Conduct.
  • Adhere to Australian Copyright Law.
  • Treat IMA Committee and Staff with respect, with all communication being on point and directly relating to the purposes of the association.
  • Adhere to workplace health and safety laws in their state.
  • Treat freelance assistants fairly, offer reasonable compensation for work and pay promptly.
  • Act with integrity and honesty in all business dealings.
  • Respect the privacy and property rights of one’s subjects.

Competitions and Awards

Unfortunately, it has become commonplace for awards programs to demand ownership of copyright as part of their terms, something Image Makers Association is strongly opposed to. Typically working in small or single person practices, Australian photographers need the strength of industry cooperation to reasonably value our intellectual property and therefore ensure the long-term viability of our profession, both for those established and those emerging.

Members should not enter competitions or awards if the terms are not approved by Image Makers Association or in keeping with their values. Members are asked to bring questionable award terms and conditions to committee for review. The Association will then advocate on behalf of members for an adjustment to terms which remains reasonable for all concerned and appropriately values photographers’ intellectual property.

Pricing / Anti Competitive Behaviour

All members are expected to refuse to participate in any business practices or marketing which violates any Federal, State or Local laws, both in Australia and overseas, or to conspire with others to fix prices, organise illegal boycotts or engage in unfair or uncompetitive practices.

All members must independently determine the prices they charge for their services. By law, the Association cannot recommend pricing to its membership. Please see ACCC Laws for Industry Associations.

Members are encouraged to:

  • Have clear communication within their quotes and invoices around included licensing and who retains ownership of copyright in any images produced. Most members will understand that photographer owns copyright unless agreed otherwise in writing, however it is important for clients to also understand rights they have in images they commission.
  • Agree on fees and charges at the outset of a commission; the existence of additional amounts in the event of alteration to scope of work or requirement for additional time due to unforeseen circumstances should also be transparent from outset of commission.
  • Image Makers Association is steadfastly opposed to ‘working for credit’, i.e., undertaking commissions in exchange for a by-line or social media tag. This practice is detrimental to the long-term sustainability of our industry. Financial value should be placed on all image making work, whatever the level of the practitioner, with compensation increasing with experience gained and years in business. Members are only encouraged to offer fee reductions or non-paying commissions to charitable or non-profit organisations.

Member Liabilities

Membership fees to be paid annually.

© Image Makers Association Australia.