
Sydney industrial photography

Successful Industrial Photography

Success depends on how you measure it. For my commercial photography clients a successful photography shoot is one that illustrates their key messages through strong images. Delivering results within budget and not disrupting their core business is a given.

colour photography

Colour Photography – created by God and Man

I love black and white photography. Some of my favourite photographers, like Elliot Erwitt, are best known for their B&W images. In photography’s early years B&W was the only option. If you wanted colour it had to be hand painted onto the print. However colour photography has always driven the market for professionals and consumers. … Read more

retail shop

Shop Local For Customer Service

COVID 19 has forced us to shop locally for many goods. Supply chains are broken. Shipment has gone from days to months. Support requests go unanswered as call centres are in lock down. Pundits say the pandemic has accelerated what would happen to business by a decade. I’ve also seen business models revert 20 years. … Read more


Propaganda Photography

Propaganda is often considered in a negative light. Wikipedia describes it as: “Propaganda is communication that is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda” Millions Stand Behind Me, John Heartfield, 1932 Propaganda is frequently associated with political regimes, suggesting images of World War II or the Cold War. At uni I studied … Read more

Adobe Bridge Digital Asset Management

Managing Digital Assets with Adobe Bridge

Adobe Bridge is often overlooked as a professional multimedia browser. It works like Mac Finder and Windows File Explorer. You can view items on your computer, connected hard drives or network drives and navigate through your folder structure. However Bridge supports hundreds more file types including images, audio, PDFs, movies and more. It’s a bridge … Read more


The Photographer’s Magic Box

Just two decades ago photographers would perform feats of magic. As alchemists they could magic up invisible images onto paper or a plastic substrate using chemicals. As a soothsayer a photographer could foresee an image, invisible to others, and move lights, camera, reflectors to create it.  Many, many decades ago the photographic process involved a … Read more

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics

STEAM Powered Photography

A great number of the people I photograph have occupational or professional skills qualifications. Most of my clients have a degree in one of the humanities. Many subjects and clients studied a mixture of both at university. STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics have been a focus and STEM is still a buzzword in education. … Read more

Sydney aerial photographer

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property covers many areas. Here I want to look specifically at copyright and moral rights. How it affects content creators and those who use their content. Some of the what, why and how. Disclaimer! I am not a lawyer and anything you read here should be clarified with qualified legal advice for your own … Read more

healthcare photography Sydney

The Caring Professions

I’ll let you in on a little secret: my favourite clients are those in the caring professions. Meeting the people who change other people’s lives for the better is always an honour. Being commissioned to photograph and document the working life of nurses, doctors, teachers, surgeons, scientists, carers, those who protect us and many others … Read more

self isolation shelter in place

CPD for Creatives in Isolation

Many of us are now in self isolation, working from home or under shelter in place orders. I wish you the best and hope that you’re OK knowing this will eventually end. It could be a good time to catch up on Continuing Professional Development. I have a backlog of training earmarked for later and … Read more