
Adobe Camera Raw 5.4 update

Adobe have a release candidate for Camera Raw 5.4 at Adobe Labs with Lightroom 2.4 to follow. More cameras and digital backs are supported but more interesting is the new DNG 1.3 specifications (not yet published). Since my colleague Peter Krogh has let the cat out of the bag I can reveal the new specs … Read more

Cumulus 8 released

Canto released Cumulus 8, a DAM application for enterprise and workgroups (licenses start at US$5 000). New features include improved interface, more reporting such as asset usage, and built-in image editor.

PMA Australia free entry

Only a few days remain to get FREE exhibition entry to PMA Australia, the largest imaging show in the Southern Hemisphere. Register online before 27 May 2009 here and save the $20 entry fee.

Lightroom plug-ins by Beardsworth

Friend and colleague John Beardsworth has released Adobe Lightroom plugins that help make it more robust for DAM. These essential features are built into Microsoft Expression Media but not in Lightroom yet. 

DAM Workflow Newsletter 8

Archiving If you are at all interested in revisiting your images sometime in the future this edition is for you. The DAM Book – Second Edition Peter Krogh has published the second edition of The DAM Book, Digital Asset Management for Photographers (2009, O’Reilly Media). Since the first edition parts of the DAM landscape have … Read more

The DAM Book, 2nd Edition

Peter Krogh has released the second edition of his authoritive  The DAM Book for Photographers. Pre-order your copy now. If you live in the USA and buy before 1 May you can get  free shipping and a personal inscription.

PMA Keynote DAM Presentation

PMA Australia will be held at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, 25 – 28 June 2009. Robert Edwards will be presenting a keynote presentation on Sunday 28 June.