
The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same – AIPP President’s Report

It’s true. While the fine detail may be different, professional photography has undergone many changes over the decades. The AIPP has many experienced members whom I listen to for advice on how they successfully dealt with change, in their own business and as part of the AIPP executive. It gives me perspective to make informed … Read more

Commercial Control

Commercial Control The Australian Institute of Professional Photography (New South Wales division) is presenting an evening for AIPP and ACMP members as well as all other professional photographers discussing how commercial photographers can manage their images. Tim Moore is Chairman of Photolibrary, a multi-million dollar, Australian based stock photolibrary, one of the top 5 worldwide … Read more


Workflow is one of those buzz words that comes with digital photography. This mystical term promises to minimise your time behind the computer. In reality you can expect to be working on the computer equivalent to some 50%-100% of the time spent photographing. There are as many workflows as there are photographers. After several requests … Read more

Phase One Expression Media offer ending

The Phase One offer for owners of Expression Media to get a free licence for Capture One 5 (and vice versa) ends 30 June. Act now!