
Photo Mechanic $60 special

To celebrate Photo Mechanic’s 15th anniversary Camera Bits have a special price of $60 for version 4.6. Normally $150 with one year’s free updates to any version, this special offer (only) gets you updates to v4.6. This is a bargain for newcomers to Photo Mechanic who can still upgrade to v4.7 for $90 when it … Read more

Backup for the silly season

Season’s Greetings! Peter Krogh posted a couple fun and poignant video links on his DAM Book blog. The Backing up song is really catchy. So should be the practise of backing up! Looking for a new year’s resolution for 2011? How about establishing a back up system for your photos, videos, documents and all that … Read more

Lightroom 3.3 Release Candidate

Adobe announced the Lightroom 3.3 Release Candidate along with Camera Raw 6.3 and the DNG Converter 6.3. This release also introduces the Adobe Lens Profile Downloader.  The Lens Profile Downloader  is a free companion application to Photoshop CS5, Photoshop Lightroom 3, and the Camera Raw 6 plug-in. It allows customers to search, download, rate and … Read more

dpBestflow seminar

Richard Anderson is presenting two sessions on photo archiving and workflow at the Nikon AIPP Event in Australia during October. Richard is project leader of dpBestflow and co-author of Digital Photography Best Practices and Workflow Handbook.

Capture One Expression Media videos

Peter Krogh has created a series of DAM Workflow videos demonstrating Phase One Capture One 5.1 and Expression Media 2. Peter’s emphasis as always is maintaining the integrity of the images and metadata. View the free videos at Phase One.

DigitalPro Six released

DigitalPro is a DAM workflow tool for Windows. One of the highlights in v6 is a checksum validation tool built into the DAM cataloguing application. Wildlife photographer B. Moose Peterson goes over the highlights  here.

Photographers Protest Rally in Sydney

Australian photographers are fed up with bureaucracy stifling their craft and profession through permits and fees. Photographers from around Australia are staging a protest rally near Campbell Cove, Sydney Harbour on Sunday 29th August, 2010 from 10.00am to Noon. Bring your camera and tripod and hear from photographers like Ken Duncan from Arts Freedom Australia. … Read more