
Bibble acquired by Corel

Bibble Labs who make the multi-platform raw conversion software Bibble were recently purchased by Corel. A post in the Bibble forums informs users an official announcement will be made at CES next week. Bibble was the first alternative photographers had to the expensive and/or limited raw conversion software available from camera manufacturers. I began using Bibble in … Read more

Business plan workbook for 2012

PhotoShelter have a great, free Business Plan Workbook available here. It guides you through ways to improve your photography business for the new calendar year.

Media Pro 1.1 released

Phase One have updated their DAM app Media Pro bringing improved performance for rendering and importing raw files. By default Media Pro now uses the operating system (Windows WIC or Apple IO) to render raw files for speed. Users can opt for quality by using the Phase One rendering engine. File management integration with Media Pro … Read more

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

US attorney Carolyn E. Wright (aka Photo Attorney) explains the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) on DP Review. Who can use DMCA for copyright infringement and how to go about it. You don’t have to be in the USA to enforce DMCA rights – I’ve used it with a Yahoo hosted website that used images without … Read more

Adobe Premiere support grows

If you edit video the industry standard is was Apple Final Cut Pro. That was until Apple dumbed it down with Final Cut X. Since then sales of Adobe video tools grow, according to TUAW. via MediaStorm.

OSX Lion: Turn your Mac into an iPad

With (questionable) interface improvements Lion unifies the iEverything experience. Don’t break your workflow! Check the vendors website for mission critical apps first.

Quoting on Video & Stills

As more photographers (including me) create video along with their stills a gap in best business practice has arisen. A Photo Editor blogger Rob Haggart asked photo buyers to field anonymous questions from professional photographers creating video content. Some interesting answers including usage versus day rate, and stills photographers with DSLR cameras being more efficient … Read more