
Radio 88.7FM interview

A few weeks ago I was invited by David Peach onto a local radio show to discuss photography and digital asset management along with fellow professional photographer Eden Connell. We discussed many topics including DAM best practise and protecting photographers rights. Here’s a recording from the show. Episode One [51:04]: A basic overview of Digital … Read more

New Year’s Resolution

“I need a high res file” High and low resolution are terms oft used to describe what you need from an image. But what does does “high res” actually mean, and how is it measured? Resolution is best specified in pixel dimensions. An example of a high resolution file would be 3200 x 5000 pixels … Read more

Happy 50th Birthday AIPP

The Australian Institute of Professional Photography celebrates 50 years tonight. Along with the dinner the milestone saw an exhibition, and the publication of ‘A History of Professional Photography in Australia’ by Paul Curtis. Happy Birthday AIPP, its members, staff, sponsors and all those who have been involved in the institute over the past half century.

7 Step Workflow for Adobe Lightroom 5

Inspired by Derrick Story’s 7 Step Workflow for Apple Aperture, here’s one for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5. Firstly, Lightroom was designed to be used from left to right (Library > Develop > output), and from top to bottom on the right hand panel within these modules. So in Develop for example you would go from … Read more

iPhone photography

It’s safe to say the iPhone is the most popular “camera” in the world. At least according photo sharing websites like Flickr. That’s because it’s the most convenient camera when you want to “take” a photo. Your mobile phone is always with you. “Taking” photos equates to capturing a record of a moment in time. … Read more

Adobe Creative Cloud updated apps

 Today Adobe released their newest version of the Creative Suite. Now known as Creative Cloud apps  they include Photoshop CC, InDesign CC, Illustrator CC, etc.  Some of the new features in Photoshop CC include improved sharpening and upsizing tools. Have a look at Camera Shake reduction. The new Adobe Camera Raw 8 works in Layers! … Read more

Lightroom 5 released

Adobe Photoshop  Lightroom 5 is now available for purchase. See my favourite new features  here.  After user “feedback” (read, “fallout”) Lightroom can be purchased both by subscription and download. Adobe are also hinting at a big Creative Cloud app update for June.

Why you need a professional photographer

Marissa Mayer the CEO at Yahoo has since backtracked on her comment that “…there is no such thing really as professional photographers” but it has already started an avalanche of criticism. Photoshelter CEO Andrew Fingerman points out twelve traits that make a photographer professional. They’ve also added Pricing Your Work: Corporate & Industrial Photography to their … Read more

Adobe says: No box for you!

Adobe announce future Creative Suite apps will be only available via Creative Cloud. No more boxed items or perpetual licenses. You can license Adobe apps monthly or yearly. Lightroom 5 will be excluded. Like Apple’s App Store this seems to be the way of the future for software delivery. More info here: