
Happy 25th Birthday Photoshop

Brothers Thomas and John Knoll created Photoshop in 1990 for graphic designers, at a time when “electronic” photography was in its infancy and video was still analog. At George Lucas Industrial Light & Magic studio John saw the potential for digital special effects in the 1980s. As a software engineer Thomas was able to realise … Read more


Photography is all about telling a story through an image. It’s an incredibly subjective medium, weighted by its history, the viewers past experience, and the context of where the image is seen. Being fluent in the language of photography requires a visual literacy and having the ability to translate that in a practical way. Even … Read more

Get Lost

Some of my most memorable photography experiences happened by accident. It’s all too easy to stay on the same road as everyone else. Guide books by their very nature suggest which route to take and sights to see. That’s why we buy them, but things don’t always go to plan. While heading to Vietnam in … Read more

Free your SSD from the Cloud in 4 steps

Upgrading a hard drive to a Solid State Drive comes at a cost, not just in dollars but also in storage space. If you  use Dropbox (or similar cloud sharing service) like I do to deliver jobs, it eats up a lot of storage space. Once the job is on Dropbox I don’t want it … Read more

Extensis release DAM app Portfolio 1.0

Wait a minute, wasn’t Portfolio last at version 11.2? Yes but Extensis have dropped Server from the name as they now only offer server versions. So the latest version is listed as a 1.0 release because for all intent it’s a new product, albeit with familiar interface and add ons. Extensis Portfolio is a DAM … Read more

Film never existed

If you’re sitting on an archive of film it’s as good as dead. As if the images never existed. That is unless you have a strategy to digitise it. Digital brought with it an easy way to store, retrieve and catalog images. Whether it’s a specific photograph or just a general overview of your collection, … Read more

5 things GTD & DAM have in common

GTD (Getting Things Done) and DAM (Digital Asset Management) have a lot in common. GTD is a productivity methodology by created by David Allen. It has many layers and almost a religion to some. For professional photographers Allen’s Getting Things Done is  one of those must read business books. DAM is how we safely manage … Read more

So Long Alan, and Thanks for All the Photos

Alan Davies, The State Library of New South Wales Photography Curator, retires today. He is a living encyclopaedia with an uncanny ability to recall, name and place images from memory. Alan is also one the most approachable people who was ready share and assist in researching images despite having a busy schedule. His contribution in … Read more

RIP Fairfax

Today the Fairfax Media newspaper group decided they no longer need photographers and will instead use Getty. Fairfax photographers and journalists walked out today protesting about the decision. Fairfax cite unnamed examples of overseas papers making similar business decisions. Newspaper photographers and journalists are  society’s moral conscience and government watchdog. While social media and crowdsourcing … Read more