
The Gift Of Photography

No, not the act of giving a photograph as a present. I’m reflecting on the many gifts photography has given me as a professional photographer. A  voice, a visual medium to express ideas and feelings. A  career that so far has offered the opportunity to meet people in some extraordinary places: Throughout Australia, Asia, Europe … Read more

Adobe Lightroom problem

Adobe had a bad run recently. Lightroom, their flagship photography software, was updated and immediately crashed on opening for many  users – including me. Those  who could actually open the new version became vocal about Adobe dumbing down the photo import feature. So if you were Adobe how would you respond to this? “Well it … Read more

Professional Photographer

Finding a professional photographer for your next job has just become a lot easier. The Australian Government recently recognised what it means to be a “Professional Photographer”. Through the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) nows has a certified symbol, the Accredited Professional Photographer. Similar to accountants and … Read more

Photography Workflow 2015

For the first 10 years of digital capture photographers were obsessed with workflow. There were hundreds of books, workshops, seminars, and forums dedicated to it. Over time a workflow standard was achieved. So has anything changed? Not really it’s basically the same as it was in 1998! Only now the file sizes and storage capacity are … Read more

Why Save Every Photo?

Photographers are a funny bunch and probably make good pets. We have some interesting traits that may include being control freaks, independent, resourceful, creative, passionate, obsessive, loyal, vulnerable and hoarders. Photographers love collecting and hoarding camera bags, lenses, and photos. The advent of digital brought the ability to keep every image we create. You can … Read more

5 Tips for Corporate Portraits

Corporate portraits take a little preparation. Here are a few tips, in no particular order: 1. Early in the week People feel better and look fresher at the beginning of the week. By Friday the week can takes it’s toll! Try to book a photography session before Thursday. 2. Consistent style Your corporate image includes … Read more


Like beards and vinyl records, film is now retro and hip. Many hipsters are rightly excited when they first shoot film. The “analogue” act of photographing without instant gratification on the camera LCD screen. The anticipation of not knowing if your photograph was successful until the film is processed days or weeks later. The old … Read more

Can I colour calibrate my iPad?

You can only judge image quality if the screen you’re viewing is properly calibrated with a hardware device. Calibration combines a hardware puck with software that flashes known colour values to create a colour profile of your screen. Datacolor and Pantone are the best known brands. With prices starting under $100 it’s a no-brainer for … Read more

Battle for the Cloud

Apple and Adobe make great products. But they have very different approaches to making their applications work in the cloud. Apple will abandon all to make a new and better product. Adobe will forego features to ensure legacy products are supported. Apple Photos With the latest iOS/Mac OSX update Apple have updated/released their new Photos … Read more

OpenRAW 10 Years

Imagine if you were no longer able to look at your family albums. Or some of Ansel Adams images began to disappear. And the news photos that recorded the history of humanity were lost. D1scussion was a mailing list by Juergen Specht for professional Nikon users. In early 2005 the list saw a growing concern … Read more