
Why Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Rules

Lightroom is undoubtedly the world’s leading raw photography workflow application. But why does it dominate the market when competing products can produce better results? It’s Adobe Firstly it’s made by Adobe who have led the graphics software market for over 25 years. Adobe’s software has been entrenched in the majority of creatives workflows, formal education, … Read more

Honorary Fellow of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography

Tonight I was delighted to be awarded the designation of Honorary Fellow of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (Hon.FAIPP): “This title is awarded to recognition of outstanding and long service to the photographic industry. It is usually awarded at the completion of a large project or a long period of service time. It is … Read more

Virtual Tour of Garvan $10M Genome Sequencing Laboratory

The goal of The Garvan Institute of Medical Research is to prevent, treat or cure cancer, diabetes, obesity, neurological diseases, osteoporosis and immunological diseases.  This week it was announced they will offer Australians suffering a genetic condition faster diagnosis through genome screening. Garvan is only the second place in the world to do so. The … Read more

Henry Talbot 1960s Fashion Photographer

Henry Talbot: 1960s Fashion Photographer  is on at The National Gallery of Victoria until 21  August 2016. Together with Helmut Newton he was an indispensable part of bringing a new chic and sophistication to Australian fashion photography. Henry’s fashion images show models outside of the studio, on location on the streets of Melbourne, at race … Read more

Help My Photos Are Lost !

TL;DR: As soon as you know images are missing stop using the memory card and only let a data recovery expert touch it. *What do you do when you discover your photos have suddenly disappeared? Don’t Panic! First thing is to STOP USING THE DEVIC from where the photos have been lost. If it’s your … Read more

20 Years of Professional Digital Photography

Back in 1996 one of my first professional digital photography assignments was for Qantas. Commissioned by an ad agency the brief was to create a visual catalog for Qantas. The printed book would assist ground staff replenishing aircraft to identify anything from a souvenir tie pin to a food trolley and was for use at … Read more

World Backup Day

March 31st is World Backup Day, an “independent initiative to raise awareness about backups“. Highlighting the need for backing up your data the World Backup Day site provides some scary stats like “30% of people have never backed up“. Images, video, documents and business information can have enormous dollar value. Personal images are priceless and no amount … Read more

The Value Of Professional Photography

What is the value of using professionally created images in an age where everyone can create photos with their smartphone? Like many questions the answer is, “it depends!” That dependency is the photo buyers ROI and how much they care about their customers. Ask yourself what you’re trying to achieve with the images. Is it … Read more

See The Light

Photography is all about light, literally. A photographer learns to see light and how the camera will reproduce it. After years of experience they can predict light; when and where it will be best for a particular photograph. Experienced photographers understand the quality of light and all its variations: soft, hard, warm, cool, direction, etc. … Read more