
corporate design brochure photography

Tell your story with photography

Every business has a story. Who you are, what you do, where you started, why your business exists. Sharing that with your clients tells them what makes your business unique and differentiates you from competitors. You are the best qualified person to tell your story. Create a narrative about your business and distill it down … Read more

Professional colour roll film

Photography pricing & other dirty secrets

In ye olde days of film commercial photographers had a simple formula for pricing professional film. We doubled the cost of the film and processing and the same was true for Polaroids. This covered the expense of buying film, refrigerating, testing for batch variances, processing, travel to/from the supplier and photo lab plus spoilage. It … Read more

empathetic medical photography

Psychology of photography

All professions use some form of psychology in doing business. Here I’m using ‘psychology’ in a very broad definition. “Be yourself, everyone else is taken“ Oscar Wilde I’m not going to psychoanalyse myself because I’d have a fool for a psychologist. After years as a chameleon, emulating successful photographers didn’t feel right. Eventually I discovered … Read more

standards australia 100 years

Standards Australia 100 Years

In two weeks on 12 October, Standards Australia will celebrate its centenary. For 100 years committees of industry professionals and Standards Australia staff have worked together to create standards that Australians benefit from every day. Standards Australia liaise closely with equivalent associations across the world within ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. Australian experts have … Read more

Australian Tourism Photographer

Loving Your Job

The best way I know to avoid work is to do what you love. Having a passion for your career, creates a life of purpose and pleasure. In researching this post many people suggested that following your passion and making it your career, is either not possible or simply a mistake. They argue that once … Read more

Cruise Ship Photographer

I Was A Shi# Photographer

Last century I worked for a short while as a Ship Photographer aboard the P&O Fairstar, a passenger ship that cruised the Pacific and South East Asia. We employed the same photography system used on cruise ships around the world. There were five photographers, one leading the chain of command, each of us with designated … Read more


How Much Image Resolution Is Enough?

When it comes to how much resolution you need for a job start at the end. What is the end use of the images? Are they being used for your website or on a billboard? Or both, or maybe you don’t know? Depending on your answer determines two very important outcomes: How the photographer approaches … Read more

experience counts

Experience Counts

We learn a lot from experience whether that’s a sport, hobby or our profession. Practice really does make perfect. 10,000 hour rule Malcolm Gladwell popularised the idea that it takes ten-thousand hours to master a skill. While often debated the idea behind it is sound: it takes time to become proficient. When tutoring aspiring photographers … Read more

corporate group photo sydney

Does Your Photographer Click?

Like all animals, when we gather humans seem to form cliques and photographers are no different! We form partnerships with clients, colleagues and ancillary professions that can last a lifetime. Loyalty is a mutual benefit that rewards everyone. Having been in the workforce for many decades I quickly came to appreciate teamwork. Working collegially meant … Read more


Aussie Film Industry Leaders

With the Academy Awards on it seemed like a good time to wave the flag for some Aussie companies leading the world. These companies help creatives around the world to tell their client’s stories in new and engaging ways. Blackmagic Design Blackmagic Design equipment and software is used on many Oscar nominated (and winning) films. … Read more