CPD for Creatives in Isolation

Many of us are now in self isolation, working from home or under shelter in place orders. I wish you the best and hope that you’re OK knowing this will eventually end.

It could be a good time to catch up on Continuing Professional Development. I have a backlog of training earmarked for later and that time may be now.

There are numerous topics to choose from: business, history, skills, communication and more. Check with your professional body that the course will be credited towards your CPD.

Many online training companies are offering free or extended free trial for their services.

Video conferencing gives us an opportunity to work with others on CPD regardless whether our profession dictates it or not. The Australian Institute of Professional Photography is using Zoom for its members to learn from one another.

online training

Linkedin Learning
Formerly Lynda.com, perhaps the original online learning platform, Linkedin Learning offers a huge range of courses in many disciplines. It’s included with Premium Membership or take the 30 day trial. Also check with your company, school, library or professional association as many have a subscription.

At the moment Linkedin offer a free course on Working Remotely.

Specifically for photographers the Professional Photographers of America have opened their library of training resources for free.

Open University
A collection of USA Universities have a large selection of online courses available as OpenLearn.

More training is available from Coursera. They range from free courses to paid university qualifications and  lot in-between.

online learning

edX and Mooc
edX and MOOC  have free courses, some of which can be used as recognised prior learning.

Open Culture
For an extensive list of free courses look at Open Culture.

Those already subscribed to Masterclass have been sent an offer to share a free pass with a friend.

Creative Applications
Diversify your skill set and learn a new creative application. Serif have extended the trial for their creative apps to 90 days and are offering 50% off. Serif Photo, Designer and Publisher are the closest competitor to Adobe.

However nothing beats the Adobe Creative Cloud for industry standard programs. If you work in teams and need skills employers look for learning an Adobe app is a solid investment. Adobe offer their standard free trial if you have never signed up Creative Cloud. Teachers and students can apply for free access until May here.