The AIPP At Work – AIPP President’s Report

You will often see references to the IBISWorld Industry Report Q9523 on Professional Photography in Australia. The Working Pro recently did analysis of the report. The IBISWorld publication was the first extensive report into our profession to review past practice and forecast where we  may be in 2016/17. That report is one pillar the AIPP uses in its strategies, alongside input from members, meetings with other associations locally and globally, as well as trade and buyers of photography. We are all affected by the current state of flux in photography.

It’s good to see IBISWorld now reference the AIPP in its reports. Part of the Institute’s strategic plan is to be viewed as the industry spokesperson. The report is updated annually and so far has been quite accurate. The latest version is subtitled “Many professional photographers lose business to amateurs” which echoes what members say. More specifically, digital photography has democratised the craft. There will always be a need for professional photographers, but amateurs or clients themselves are now doing some jobs we typically did. Digital is also affecting music and video production as it did with desktop publishing.

The AIPP Accredited Photographer will show the value of using a professional to give you a clear point of difference.

International Experience
Australia is somewhat isolated from the recession in America and parts of Europe, but we are definitely experiencing an economic slowdown. We are not alone in the changes facing professional photography. We are also not alone in finding solutions.

AIPP will be represented at the CEPIC Conference in London later this year where leading photography associations will present and discuss the state of the industry.

Perhaps more exciting is the Photography Associations Summit being held in London before CEPIC. Up to now, photography associations around the world reinvent similar strategies and duplicate resources. Ideally we should meet and collectively plan ways to help all professional photographers. This is a goal both the AIPP and the ASMP have been keen to start since 2007. The outcomes from this important meeting will be reported back to AIPP members later in the year.

AIPP State Epson Awards
Many of your State awards have just been run. Congratulations to the winners and the State Councils and committees who made them so successful. We are seeing huge increases in numbers of participants and prints. Live streaming of the judging is proving popular.

Your AIPP State Blog has all the information for the awards and up coming events.

APPA is definitely upon us right now. Remember, it is earlier this year so be sure to get your prints in before 4 May.

There are some great changes this year. The Canon AIPP APPA Book will be in a new format and published to a much wider audience. We also plan to make our traditional style of book available for purchase via print on demand.

Livestreaming of this year’s judging is now free thanks to the generous support of Asukabook.

New APPA Chairman David Paterson leads a very capable team of volunteers and I’d like to thank every one of them. For more information, visit the Canon AIPP APPA website: www.

The Nikon AIPP Event, 26-29 August 2012
It may be a cliche but you really do not want to miss this years’ Nikon AIPP Event! By now the list of speakers will be published as will the workshops, activities and festivities.

I am most excited to hear that James Natchwey is speaking, whose career I’ve followed since 1988. To see what you’re in for watch Natchwey’s moving TED presentation.

The speaker’s list is the most impressive seen in Asia Pacific. Add in the discounted accommodation at Cypress Lakes Resort and the chance to socialise with colleagues and the speakers, and I’m sure you’ll agree this makes The Event 2012 an experience not to miss. We expect to book out quickly this year, so head to the website now:

Photo Competition Watchdog
For several years, AIPP member William Long has taken it upon himself to monitor the ever-increasing number of competitions. Many are good and William points those out, but some are simply masked as competitions to build a library of images for the organiser, demanding you waive all your rights just by entering. More alarming is when a competition requires entrants to cover the organisors if they are sued for misuse of the images. Unfortunately too many photographers don’t read the fineprint.

Many companies and Government departments now recognise William as the Photo Competition Watchdog. Several multinational companies and federal departments consult with William before releasing a new competition.

The National Board would like to thank William for his tireless, often thankless (and certainly unpaid!) work to protect the rights of all photographers.

Robert Edwards
National President
Australian Institute of Professional Photography